
  • Cleaner – Currently there are 4 cleaning lines at Victor Point Farms, cleaning each of our seed varieties including ryegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue and bent grass. With the cleaners running nearly 9-10 months out of the year, the remaining months are used for repair and maintenance to prepare for the next harvest.
  • Blender – There are 2 blenders on the farm as well as a Verbruggen palletizer. The palletizer is instrumental in reducing stacking labor, minimizing product damage, creating higher and more stable stacks for product presentation, and saving time and storage space.
    Seed here is blended and palletized for companies such as Columbia Seeds and Scotts. It’s not only shipped domestically but also across the world including Europe and Asia.

Striving For Excellence In The Production Of Quality Grass Seed

A family farming tradition since 1910

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